Rang Bhang Mountain Resort

Rang Bhang Mountain Resort

Rang Bhang Mountain Resort Photo Album

Rang Bhang Mountain Resort, A bedroom

Rang Bhang Mountain Resort, A View from a Room

Rang Bhang Mountain Resort, A Bathroom
Reserve a room in Rang Bhang Mountain Resort
Click the above link.

Rang Bhang Mountain Resort, Tariff (November 23, 2013)

Room Type Tariff (Rs)
Double Bed 1200
Food Package: Rs 500 per person

Rang Bhang Mountain Resort Photo Album
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Darjeeling Resorts

FDC: Lepchajagat TDC: Darjeeling TDC: Kurseong
Mirik: Rang Bhang Chatakpur
Sonar Bangla Windamere Seven Seventeen
Spandan Sanderling

North Bengal Tourist Map

Dooars Tourist Bus Schedule

Digha Hotels

Mandarmani Hotels

W.B.F.D.C. Nature Resorts

An Appeal

Dear Visitor:

If you have taken photographs of a resort/hotel and would like to publish them in kolahal.com, please e-mail the photographs to shchdh@gmail.com. Please provide a description for each photograph and the date the photograph was taken.

If you are the owner or the manager of a hotel/resort in West Bengal and would like to have your hotel information included in Kolahal, please write to us. A Kolahal page is provided for free. We are just an e-mail away from you: shchdh@gmail.com.
